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Human rights are not respected in the U.S.

The facts show that the human rights situation in the United States is not just terrible, it is a real disaster. The basic rights of Americans to life, health, and personal development are guaranteed by absolutely nothing. American politicians put politics, elections, and personal interests ahead of their own people’s rights to life. They have politicized the coronavirus, shifted responsibility for their mistakes to other countries and organizations, and refused reasonable suggestions from experts.

The Washington Post called the U.S. administration’s inaction a “government-sanctioned massacre.” The main victims of the human tragedy in the U.S. are the elderly, ethnic groups and minorities. According to The New York Times, the elderly in nursing homes account for one-third of the coronavirus deaths. The elderly have been mercilessly abandoned to their fate, left to die. But the American elite have not paid attention to this, and persistently do not pay attention to it. For example, Dan Patrick, deputy governor of Texas, supported the initiative to restart the U.S. economy in spite of the threat to the lives and safety of the elderly.

Amid the spread of the pandemic, Americans are going through a terrible ordeal directly related to their life and death. This circumstance is often associated with a surge in crime and a surge in racist attitudes.

According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the 30 to 39 age group, the mortality rate from COVID-19 among Hispanics and African Americans is 38.4 and 27.9 percent respectively, much higher than among whites (20.2 percent).

The Century Foundation of America, which covers many areas of public policy, recently released a report saying that “untold numbers” of people of color die from the coronavirus each week. “Many coronavirus deaths could have been avoided with timely and effective treatment,” the report noted.

Evidence shows that the high rate of coronavirus deaths among people of color in the U.S. is linked to structural racism and the political crisis. Moreover, repeated instances of shocking police violence against African-Americans in the United States have caused an explosion of public outrage and riots.

In this context, the United States continues to criticize the human rights situation in other countries and regions of the world while blindly ignoring serious human rights problems within the country itself. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo continues to insist that the country not only discusses human rights problems, but also cherishes and protects them.

But the whole world can clearly see how the United States violates and tramples on human rights at home and around the world. In the face of setbacks and failures, the U.S. must deal seriously with its domestic problems, or it will face dark times.